Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry, Merry Christmas

Last week Hannah and I had the day to ourselves and went to Disneyland. We had passes that just expired so it was our last day to go. I have never gone just with just the two of us so I was kind of nervous carting around all our stuff by wobbly self. But we did just fine with a little umbrella stroller. It was so fun to just hang out with my little girl, and a little sad to think this will be one of the last times it's just me and her. I doubt I would have the gall to take Hannah and a little baby to Disneyland by myself. We missed Jason though, it just isn't the same without him. He had to work - when I ask Hannah where Daddy goes everyday she says, "Daddy wooking. He make money." Somebody has to pay the bills around here! :)

The highlights of our day were seeing all the beautiful Christmas decorations, the huge tree, It's a Small World - where Hannah could barely contain herself from standing up on the boat, shaking her booty, waving her arms, and singing along to the "It's a Small World/Jingle Bells." Another delight of the day was Hannah getting to meet Winnie the Pooh. They embraced each other like a pair of long lost old friends. After that we got some hot cocoa and ate some of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I made for us while having a converstation about how Goofy is nice, and so is Winnie the Pooh.

We ended our day taking a trip around the park on the train, and then taking a picture by the tree. I tried to take a picture of just Hannah, and she completely ignored me. I then asked a nice lady to take our picture, so Hannah, not wanting to disappoint the nice lady went ahead and paid attention and hammed it up like her normal self.

In other news, I'm happy to announce that I have a replacement to my flat iron. All is right in the world. My mom actually had an extra and brought one over - Thank you again!

I have been getting ready for Christmas, trying to shop between naptimes and picking up my neighbor girls from school. I was a knitting slacker this year and only ended up making one scarf. So much for learning patterns and all that. I did make some cute cookies in a jar gifts for family and friends. They have all the flour and dry ingredients, and then you make a lable of what fresh ingredients are needed, and how to make them. I made a batch for myself and they were quite good fresh from the oven. They have white chocolate chips and m&ms and I think I would prefer them to have regular chocolate chips instead. But they were tasty nonetheless. Sorry to those of you fasting. :)

Tomorrow I go for my 20 week ultra sound. Jason can't go this time and I told him I'm tempted to find out the sex. He said I'd better not. I won't but I can't help it if I see something. I'm feeling the baby do gymnastics lately, and just the other day Jason was finally able to feel it too. I'm also getting a taste of the uncomfortable sleep the belly bump can cause. On my back I feel like my brain is not getting much oxygen, stomach - forget about that, and I get uncomfortable quickly on each side, making for those oh so lovely nights of tossing and turning. Ah, well, half way done, and it only gets more uncomfortable from here. And then when the baby comes, I can just forget about sleep altogether. So I should just quit my complaining.

I'm excited about our first Orthodox Christmas and the feast after Liturgy late, late at night. I'm not sure how Hannah will do. I love Christmas! So if you read this, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Only a few more days left for shopping and running around. Glory to God!


Blogger Thomas Ham said...

bring her something to sleep on... she'll do just fine =D give me a call, maria wanted to know if you guys could hang tomorrow night.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Thomas Ham said...


10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the pic of you and Hannah!

I feel like I am almost as big as you are (babybelly-wise). I got huge really quickly with my son, and I am doing it again. I am only 9 weeks along :) What is the deal? I am already at the uncomfortable at night stage as well.

Have a wonderful Christmas. I can't wait to hear all about your services. Drop me an email when you have the time :)

3:35 PM  

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