Monday, April 26, 2010

Moving Notes

I'm taking a little break from packing and washing. My mom's got the big kids while I knock off some of my list for the week. I am officially sick of Craigslist and researching refrigerators, and I've got a little cold. BUT...I'm not gonna live here anymore!! And we had a yard sale on Saturday and got some fridge money, I made myself a green smoothie and feel health returning as I type, and the crock is going for dinner tonight. I think it's a good day!
Packing, packing. I've got my pretty apron that Maria made me for my birthday last year. And sandals because it's hot today.
It was hot yesterday too...And the Artist Girl forgot to put these away, which is sad, because these WERE a delightful new box of Crayolas, contained in a jar with a lid I just bought and was feeling pretty proud of. These are not the first crayons to be melted into soup, unfortunately. At least this time they were contained. And not in the car. Or on top of a table.

Good day!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Bright Friday Daybook

Outside my window...Kids cleaning up the backyard. To quote my husband, "It looks like a daycare, and the babysitter just got up and quit." :P But the day is bright and the birds are singing, and the morning glory is blooming. Feels like summer, though the heat is not as oppressive as it will be in a couple of months.

I am thinking...I'm overwhelmed and unmotivated.Lots on my plate this month, so I need to get myself on task.

I am thankful for...A nice, big ole' house to move into come May. It's so not cute, but is oh so what we need. MORE SPACE. MORE TOILETS. Thank God.

From the learning rooms...Reading lots of books, including some really beautiful California History books passed to us from my inlaws. James continues to enjoy puzzles, dinosaurs, and all things train. Dinosaurs + Trains = Jubilation. Philly boy is starting to talk. He says "Noooo",
"nurs nurs," "wow," "dada," and "mama."

From the kitchen...Ooh not sure yet. Take out? Maybe In-n-Out...Will call the husband to pick up! Although I am feeling so full. We've been eating so much food. I skipped breakfast this morning because I was still stuffed from dinner and dessert from last night.

I am wearing...Black tshirt, green pants, and turquoise and faux wood thongs from Target that my friend Jenny made me buy. ;)

I am creating...I should really just take the I am Creating line off when I do these. I am creating NOTHING. I'm a crafting loser. Although, I did create a little board book for my goddaughter for Pascha. My mommy helped me, though. Thanks, Mom!

I am going...Beach side for a day, God willing.

I am reading...Middlemarch STILL!! Ack. I'm so almost done. I just need a couple of hours to hunker down and get it done. I really do like it, though not as much as some other classics I have read. Hopefully a day at the beach will provide this for me...Although the newest Real Simple came in the mail yesterday, and is begging for me to pick it up, so we've got some competition! Book-wise, I plan to read something fun and light next...Any suggestions?

I am hoping...A friend of mine (the same one who MADE me buy my sandals) has a smooth birth and labor soon, and for a healthy bundle of pink, girly joy!!

I am hearing...Phillip waking up slowly, kids, airplanes, birds, cars.

Around the house...Chocolate and candy that needs to go away, flowers that are getting pretty sad looking, a dishwasher needing to be unloaded, and general messiness just about every where. Except my bedroom isn't too bad. Just trying to be reasonable here!

One of my favorite things...A date on Monday with my dearest husband. Yardhouse and a thrift store trip with no kids. Delightful.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Beach, church, that's about it, as the week is nearly over.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
This kid will turn three next month. He's my Mother's Day gift that just keeps on giving! My Spring flower full of fun, and all things BOY. My Jamesy Boy.

Here's the original Simple Woman.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Christ is Risen!!

I'm sitting here with a glass of wine, hearing my kids playing, and loving Bright Week. As always, Pascha was such a beautiful service. The kids did well, and stayed awake for pretty much all of it. They even played and ate during the feast afterwards. It was a good time, and we got home at about 5:30 in the morning. We slept in (haahahahha...well slept in for a family with kids - 8am - not too shabby!) I sorta felt bad for the families whose kids slept the whole service and feast and were going to wake up promptly at 6 am. That would have been rough. The next day, or I mean, later that day, we went back to church for the picnic. We missed Agape Vespers due to sleepy-head kids. The picnic was fun. We enjoyed lots of leftover food, and... Egg hunting.
Beer, visiting. (We also happened to be serenaded by a guitar player and some choir singers - it was lovely.)

Picture snapping. I'll try to refrain from ever making that face again. But doesn't Hannah look pretty?

And here was the finished product of my egg dying adventure. They went into the giant church basket that Father gave out after the service. I smugly snickered to myself at the large number of hot pink eggs because I'm a little brat like that. The egg I got was fuschia. Fancy Nancy would have adored them. Hannah and I thought they were pretty cool too. We cracked our eggs together - well her egg cracked so she won. Then we peeled and were about to eat. I like hard boiled eggs but I think they're slightly disgusting without salt. They kind of make me wanna gag. So I was working up the nerve to eat the whole thing - after all it had been blessed - when a sweet, old gentleman came up with a little salt shaker, God bless him! It was so cute. He thoroughly coated my egg for me and instructed me to turn, turn, turn as he sprinkled. It was a very good Pascha, and we're still celebrating and taking in all the hugs and smooches and rich foods that make our bellies more full than they've been in weeks, and those glorios words: "Christ is Risen!"

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Red Eggs and Holy Week

We are VERY excited for Pascha. We've tried to get all preparations done today which included shopping, way more errands than I ever like to drag my kids to, church this morning, cleaning, and a fun project: St. Mary Magdalene's Red Eggs - from the most venerable Evlogia blog. Thanks to Mary for always sharing so much beauty with the world.
We started with white eggs. Hannah was a good helper.
After peeling two dozen onion skins off, we place two dozen eggs in a pot. Then we added the water and vinegar.

We followed the instructions to let the eggs and onion skin water cool and then placed them in the fridge over night, and for most of today.

And we've got ourselves some lovely brick red eggs. I'm pretty happy with the outcome, though I wish I had bought bigger onions because I think they would have come out with a more vibrant red. I purchased my onions from Trader Joes, and they were quite small, and didn't have as much skin as ones I could have gotten from a regular grocery store bag. So, next year I will be sure to get those. But cool project and all natural!! I still need to shine them up with the oil, so that should make them even prettier.
Have a most wonderful Pascha!