Monday, November 03, 2008

What's for dinner?

It's nearly three o'clock and I'm really not sure. I 'd like to make a quiche but I've no pie crust (and I've never made one before myself, I don't even own a rolling pin). The fam has made it clear to me that if I must serve up quiche it must be with a crust. Picky, picky!

So, yeah, meal planning. Didn't get around to it yet this week. So for tonight? I'll think of something. We certainly won't starve. I've got a Costco fillet of Salmon, eggs, potatoes, asparagus and plenty of greens.

Life has been going well for us, Thank God. It has felt like Fall for the past couple of days which always makes me smile. We had a very conventional Halloween. It was quite possibly the cheapest one ever too because both Hannah and James' costumes were either borrowed or handed down. Here they are, aren't they cute?

I was a little bummed we didn't have an All Hallows Eve party again at church this year, but it ended up being a fine family evening for us as we went to a little downtown event and then barged in at my in laws to trick or treat in their neighborhood. They live on a cul-de-sac and know all their neighbors so we felt more comfortable with trick or treating there. Our street doesn't even have lights! When we came home we noticed some hooligans jacked our Prop 8 sign, as well as many of our neighbor's. Booooooo! That's REAL mature! Gash!

So the past couple of days, I've spent more time than I care to in waiting rooms. On Friday I thought Hannah's cap on one of her front teeth came loose. So I called the dentist, got her in that day, and found out that it's not the cap that is loose. It's the whole blasted tooth. They offered to extract it for her and give her some laughing gas, and I thought about it, and said nah. It's bound to come out somehow, right? Well I thought for sure it would come out over the weekend, but the bleeping tooth won't quit and persists to hang on, to what I don't know. On the X-Ray, you can see there is no root there anymore. Anyway, we left that visit glad that it was free and that she had no cavities - HOORAY. We still have to consider whether we want to have her get a kiddie partial or a spacer or do nothing. She's only four so she's probably got a while before her perm tooth comes. We left with a balloon, and a new toothbrush and other goodies, and even made a check up appointment for Jamesy boy.

Then. Then! On Sunday, we had a rough morning because James didn't sleep well, and was so fussy. I thought maybe his tummy hurt, but then when I changed his diaper his boy parts looked seriously not good. Without going into any detail, we all freaked out. We called the advice nurse, the nurse said to take him to pediatric urgent care at the hospital. So Daddy went with Hannah to church and I took James to the hospital. They were really great there and there was no waiting, because I learned something new here - if there is something not right with a penis you are rushed in. A PENIS problem? You mean a problem with his PENIS? You get to pass all the others in the waiting room with croupy coughs and bronchitis. The doctor will be right in. I am not kidding. All was well though - for your information, James is the picture of health and just had an exacerbated type of diaper rash that needed a special cream.

His dentist appointment went well today too, he was a good little toddler and let them brush and floss his teeth. His teeth are looking good too. Right now he is playing with his balloon and hasn't seemed to catch on that when you let go of it, it flies up, and then you can't reach it. So about every 20 seconds as I type this post, I hear a dull thud upon the ceiling, and shortly he comes to me and pleads with me, "Boo? Boo? Boo?" Oh all right. I'll get your boo. Again. That little boy cuteness is so irresistible.

I'm off to figure out dinner. I'm thinking pan fried salmon, some asparagus and baked potatoes.


Blogger Jamie said...

Geez. What is it with our kids this week? Anyways, here is the easiest pie crust on the planet and it really does taste good.

½ teaspoon salt, 1½ cup flour, ½ cup vegetable or corn oil, 2 Tablespoons milk
Mix salt and flour with fork. Stir in oil and milk. Make a ball with fingers. Flatten in piecrust container with hands. Bake at
425˚ for 5 minutes. Set on rack to cool.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Yara said...

the kids look adorable

8:50 AM  
Blogger Mimi said...

Pie crusts are my specialty, but Dh who is a great cook can't get them right.

10:55 AM  
Blogger jenny baker said...

haha, that picture is hilarious! i hope it's not foreshadowing the teenage years...!

this post made me laugh more than usual today. i 'lol'ed!

3:06 PM  
Blogger Mimi said...

I made a tart yesterday and thought of you while I made the pie crust.

3:26 PM  

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